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Hostel and Mess Rules Regulations

An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) is basically a person licensed to certify the aircraft or its component for its airworthiness before its release to service.

Hostel Rules & Regulations :
  • 1. No day scholars, male/female, visitors/guests will be allowed to pay visits to the hostel without prior permission of the Warden / Hostel in-charge. Any student found to violate these rules will be expelled from the hostel immediately on the spot by Deputy Warden or HOD without notice and no hostel accommodation will be considered till he/she complete the course.
  • 2. Students are not allowed to stay in the rooms between 8.45 a.m. and 5.30 pm. on all working days. Permission to be obtained in writing for any reason to stay back in the hostel during working hours.
  • 3. Visitors to the hostel inmates will be required to enter their names and address and the name of the student whom they want to see etc. in the register kept with the duty security guard at the Institute entrance. They will not be permitted to enter the students rooms in the hostel. They can meet the hostel inmates at the Institute main reception area only.
  • 4. Students are not permitted to use tape-recorder with speakers, If found they will be impounded by Deputy Warden/HOD. However, they are permitted to use Walkman only.
  • 5. The inmates of the hostel are not permitted to use two wheelers, Any inmate violate this will be expelled from the hostel without Notice immediately.
  • 6. Students crossing the main gate for any purpose should make an entry in the “in and out register” available at the security office.
  • 7. Students are not permitted to stick posters/ formula/pictures of any type (including God and Goddess) Painting, Drawing or Writing on the hostel walls.
  • 8. Students are not permitted to break their room lock or cupboard and cause damage for the hostel property. Only maintenance staff is permitted to take remedial measures in case of loss of key or otherwise, In such case students should inform deputy warden/staff in charge to initiate action. In the event of violation of above rules by inmates they will be expelled from the hostel.
  • 9. Students will not be allowed to stay outside the hostel during nights. They should not leave the hostel for overnight stay without obtaining prior permission of the Training Manager/ Deputy Warden / Hostel Incharge.
  • 10. Boys/Girls are not permitted to go out during working days without prior permission from Deputy Warden/Batch Incharge. Only on holidays Boys/Girls are permitted to go out after 07.00 a.m and should return before 06.00 p.m.
  • 11. Students are not permitted to keep costly mobiles, heavy jewellery expensive things & cash with them and the institute will not be responsible for their loss, theft or missing items.
  • 12. Rooms must be vacated immediately after the institution closes for vacation. Rooms should be maintained in a clean and tidy condition and open for inspection at all times Students cannot claim to stay in the hostel during vacation period. Permission may be given for such a stay in any special case by the Training manager / Warden on the written request of the student.
  • 13. Ragging/Harassment/Quarrels/Misbehaviour/Speech Embarrassment in the hostel will be viewed very seriously. Hence it is advised to abstain from all anti social activities. RAGGING IS STRICTLY BANNED BY ORDER OF HONOURABLE SUPREME COURT. POLICE CASE WILL BE REGISTERED AGAINST THE CULPRITS.Institutes will hand over those indulge in ragging to the police after Preliminary enquiry by the anti ragging committee. Parents and Guardians will be informed the same after handing them over to police. Hence all the Parents and Guardians of hostel students are advised to make note of it and advice their wards do not indulge in ragging in any form as classified under Anti ragging act of Govt. of India. The Institute will not take any responsibility for any police action based on the above act within the campus or outside the campus.
  • 15. Hostel inmates should leave their hostel by 8.30 a.m. during working days and be punctual to the classes.
  • 16. They should not violate dress code in the mess/rooms, around the hostel areas and in the campus.
  • 17. Lunch & dinner will be served in the hostel on holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. Plates, glasses should not be left in the Dining hall.
  • 18. Students are expected to have their meals between the prescribed hours only. Late comers will not be entertained. The hostellers shall practice good behavior come in proper dress to the dining room and maintain the decorum at all the times.
  • 19. The hostellers are not allowed to interchange their rooms without obtaining permission of Hostel I/C
  • 20. The Hostel I/C can shift the students from one room to the other without assigning any reason.
  • 21. All hostellers are required to maintain standards of behavior expected of students of a prestigious institution. They are expected to behave courteously and fairly with every one inside and outside the Hostel & HAE campus
  • 22. Prior permission of the warden and respective batch incharge must be taken by the students if they are not attending the classes and for leaving to their homes.
  • 23. Extra electrical appliances such as Heaters, Air conditioner, Coolers, Reflectors, Radio. T.V. etc. are not allowed within the Hostel room.
  • 24. Cooking or boiling of any sort is not allowed inside the hostel rooms.
  • 25. During the institute study hours the hostellers should not remain within their rooms. If found, they will be fined.
  • 26. For any damage to the room wares the dwellers shall be solely responsible and they will have to bear the expenses incurred in the repair.
  • 27. Hostellers are instructed to make entry of going out time and coming in time in “In-Out Register“
  • 28. Hostel in Time is 7:30
  • 29. Study Period is 7:30 to 8:30(Compulsory)
  • 30. Dinner Timing is 8:30 to 9:30
  • 31. The roll call time is 9:30 P.M. when each hostellers is to be within the hostel premises.
  • 32. Any act of indiscipline and moral depravity may throw a student to suspension for a definite period or even expulsion from the institute outright.
  • 33. The decision of the Hostel Incharge on any time of the hostel affairs shall be final and binding on the hostellers. It will always remain unquestionable.
  • 34. Residents should not participate in any anti-national, antisocial or undesirable activity in or outside the campus.
  • 35. When the students go out of their room they should switch off all the electrical / electronic appliances, and keep it locked. Violation will attract suitable penalty and punishment as decided by authorities.
  • 36. Students should not arrange any functions or meeting within the hostel or outside or within the hostel campus without specific permission of the Warden. Meetings for routine hostel affairs (management of mess, organizing sports, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities etc.) have to be in the notice of Warden and with their consent.
  • 37. The hostellers are responsible for the safe keeping of their personal belongings. They are advised to keep under lock (preferably a branded one) all valuable items such as Laptop, Mobile Phone, etc. and lock the room even when they are out for a short period.
  • 38. If students create law and order problems outside the campus, they are answerable to the police or city administration on their own. In such cases, they will also be answerable to HAE administration as per the institute norms.
  • 39. Students not staying in the hostel (staying under own arrangement) are not permitted to visit the hostel premises without prior permission from the Training manager/Hostel In charge.